Tuesday, December 13, 2022

UBCP/ACTRA has been informed that some members are accepting non-union work from online platforms such as Voices and Voices123.  

UBCP/ACTRA’s Bylaws and Constitution prohibit union members from auditioning or working on any non-union production in the recorded media industry. This includes recording voice over performances for TV and radio ads, e-learning, audiobooks, and any other recorded medium regardless of the intended market. 

Platforms such as Voices and Voices123 undercut hard-fought industry standards by allowing producers to access talent for extraordinarily low rates and minimal terms. These platforms contribute to a proliferation of non-union work and the decline of union work opportunities. 

The union is working hard to protect its jurisdiction and to create more work opportunities for members. This includes negotiating a simplified and renewed National Commercial Agreement with the Association of Canadians Advertisers and implementing a cap on the number of work permits issued to non-union performers. UBCP/ACTRA continues to do everything in its power to increase the number of union work opportunities for members – particularly in the commercial, video game, and animation sectors. 

The union is actively investigating UBCP/ACTRA members who are engaged in non-union voice over work. There will be significant consequences for Full, Apprentice, and/or Background members found to be working on non-union productions. These consequences may include fines, suspension, and even expulsion from the union. If you have any questions or concerns, please email industryrelations@bc.actra.ca.

If you have information about a non-union production, please email tips@bc.actra.ca – your confidentiality will be respected. Any and all information helps our Industry Relations team in their organizing efforts.